CHIS is our flagship product. The application allows barangays to collect household and dwelling information on devices in areas with or without internet access. Data is uploaded to secure cloud storage allowing the barangay, municipal or province to view dashboards or produce reports for compliance.

The core package is based on the needs of the Health and DRR offices. Specific modules are individual or barangay specific. These include:

  • Registry of Barangay Inhabitants and Migrants
  • Family Profile
  • Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenting
  • Child Nutrition
  • Pre Disaster Risk Assessment
  • Rapid Damage And Needs Assessment (RDANA)
  • Household Damage and Needs Assessment

TBIS is designed to manage an LGU’s TB program. It includes tracking patients through their treatment program as well as monitoring close contacts. Additionally this includes inventory management systems so that LGU’s can maintain sufficient inventories.

Doctors and other healthcare professionals are able to access the system in multiple locations during the process.  Healthcare facilities outside of the government system can also provide data. LGU program managers can access dashboards to determine progress of the program and information will upload to the national TB management system.

VIMS was developed to meet the vaccination management needs for the Covid-19 vaccination program. It has been expanded to include all of the LGU vaccination programs with the dashboards and reports to allow the health office to manage programs and identify high-priority areas.

Is personal data secure?

Yes, we take data-privacy seriously. We have a privacy policy in place and a data privacy officer that ensures the highest standards of data protection.

Is CHIS available offline?

Yes, household data can be collected offline and uploaded when on wifi.

Who can view personal data?

No, only the users who collect the data can access individual records. Users at the municipal level can view dashboards and reports.

How does billing work?

We have a simple billing system. There is a one-time set-up fee, and after that a yearly subscription.

Have any further inquiries?

Unable to find the information you need? Feel free to initiate a live chat session with us.